Friday, October 31, 2014

Tuvan Throat Singing

Most people can sing one note at a time, but these people can sing clear, multiple notes at once!

Back TUVA Future: Ondar in Vladivostok

A Bit of History:
The Art of Mongolian Throat singing  reaches very far back, and seems to have arisen because of the geographic location. The open plains of Mongolia allows for the sound to carry a great distance. The world view of this region identifies the spirituality of things in nature, not just in their shape or place, but in their sound as well. Human mimicry of the sounds in nature is seen as the root of throat singing. An example is the Mongolian story of the waterfall above the Buyan Gol or "Deer River", where mysterious harmonic sounds are said to have attracted deer to bask in the waters, and where harmonic sounds were first revealed to people. Often, singers will even travel far into the countryside, looking for the right environment  for throat singing. 

While the many cultures of this region share throat singing, their styles differ in width of development.

Facts and Criticism:
Women have started to throat sing, since the superstitions of female throat singing are slowly being abolished.

 Tuvan throat singing is sort of similar to another ancient form of vocal polyphony that is practiced by the Sardinian, called cantu a tenore. 

Criticism varies, with some people claiming it sounds awesome to to others saying it sounds like complete garbage. 

Opinion :D
 Personally, I think it's pretty cool how people have blended Tuvan throat singing with modern-ish sounding styles. However, I think the culture and origins of throat singing are pretty awesome, and they should definitely be regarded with respect no matter your opinion on how the music itself sounds.


Kongar-Ol Ondar - Tuva Groove

1 comment:

  1. I think that's pretty cool, I don't think I've heard this time of music before. When I started listening to it I started to smile because it's kinda weird to the point were it's cool. I know for sure I can't do it and I don't think I know anyone that can. You did a great job at expressing your opinion and explaining the history of it. Good job keep it up!
