Monday, September 15, 2014

In this blog, I will be exploring eight different styles of music that I personally find the most interesting, different, or just plain weird. This will range from the cultural background to the history behind it, to the way it sounds. I chose this topic because I love music. Well, I love good music. It is a beautiful and powerful form of art, capable of invoking emotions to the point of bringing us to tears, and stimulating the mind--enough to drive people to kill. There are dozens, if not hundreds of styles of music, some good and some outright terrible. 

Hopefully, you will not find any of the styles I choose terrible. If you do, please feel free to express why you don't like them in the comments, as long as it's profanity free and you use valid points, not just "Tht stile suks lol." After all, you only make yourself look silly when you do that. I won't be focusing solely on the music I like, (so for those of you who don't like Rock or Metal, don't worry), though I will express my opinion on the genre. I aim to explore styles from all angles of the spectrum, so no matter your taste, perhaps you'll find a genre you can genuinely enjoy.


  1. I'm really looking forword to seeing the different types of music you'll be talking about. I'm also looking forward to seeing your point of view. I'm hoping to learn some new genres of music and listen to them. I hope you do some of the really popular music so I can your point of view.

  2. Interesting blog. I love it. I love music as well. It's one of the things that calm me down when I'm angry or stressed out. I'm not really a fan of Rock or Metal music. I'm more into classical and Gospel music. But i hope that I learn to love and apreciate Rock and Metal just be reading your blog. Keep up the good work.
